Sunday, March 2, 2014

10 months old

This little baby seriously gets so much more fun every single day! This last month has been full of laughs and giggles as Logan's personality is growing more and more.

Fun facts about Logan at 10 months:
  • Right after I wrote his 9 month post, Logan upgraded from the army crawl to crawling on his hands and knees. He's gotten so fast now! 
  • He also likes to stand on his feet and his hands, particularly when he is naked and crawls on the tile (it's just so cold!)
  • Logan is so polite and likes to share his binky and his food with us. We then politely decline... :)
  • He thinks the only way to get rid of something when he is done, is by throwing it. He'll take a sip of water and then throw his sippy, when he's done with his bottle he just tosses it away. It's funny at times, and then frustrating when I've picked up his sippy for the 5th time.
  • When he doesn't want something, he will let us know by pushing it away. I love that he's getting old enough to really show when he wants something (or doesn't want it). 
  • Logan is a funny little boy, and he even thinks so! I often find him just laughing at himself, or laughing at something he's playing with.
  • He has taken a few steps, with the help of his musical walker. Andy and I have a bet going whether or not he will be walking by his 1st birthday. I said that he won't be (because he took forever to crawl, and also because I had to pick the opposite of Andy), but I realized that since I'm home with him all the time I could easily swing the bet in my favor... but of course I won't! 
  • Logan has a fascination with his socks. He really likes to chew on them. He must like the feeling of pulling them apart with his 8 teeth. 
  • Log really likes to crawl underneath chairs, tables, anything! The other day in Sunday School, we were sitting on the very back row against the wall. We let him wander, and he crawled underneath the chairs all the way to the door (probably about 10 chairs). He found some friends at the end of the row and was quite the distraction. But I just couldn't stop him, it was too cute. 
  • As I'm writing this post, he just had his first real tantrum! He wanted the computer and Andy kept trying to stop and he was, not a good sign for the future!
  • His latest eating habit is sticking his tongue out and showing us his food. Gross! Sometimes he'll have a big soggy mess of food on his tongue and that just takes the grossness to the next level. It's funny...but man, so gross. 
We are loving this little guy more and more everyday and love having him be a part of our family. We feel so lucky to have him. He's going to be so funny, just like his daddy. I can't wait to see it more and more as he grows up.

Playing with his girlfriend Bailey. She's about a week younger than him.

Getting stuck in the stool with his buddy, Eli.

Loving his first time eating crepes

He looks so chunky here. I've gotten compliments saying that he's getting so chunky, and then a minute later someone else says he's really thinning out. Ha!

Finding any tight space he can get into

Baby stink-eye

Sporting his sweet baseball outfit

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