Friday, January 6, 2012

Utah Visit

Hello all... I admit it - I AM A SLACKER.

I see my friends - who are busy with a baby, busy with their job and gym, and busy with families - updating their blogs (multiple posts at a time, I might add) and yet, I "don't have time". I, who has the world's easiest job (literally sit at my computer all day and surf the internet - and stalk other people's blogs) cannot find the time to type even one measly story for my loved ones to hear. This is sad.

But! I am here now (WITH pictures!) Please enjoy, as this does not happen very often.

Utah Visit:
I was lucky enough a few months ago to score some super cheap plane tickets. I decided to use these tickets during a prime family visit time. I was going to be able to see my new little niece, Macee; my new nephew, Krue; and luckily enough my other new new new nephew, baby Aidyn. Meg had him right before I came to visit.

(Sorry, not the best quality pictures...I have better ones on my phone, but I'm too lazy to go through the process of getting them onto my blog)

Anyway, so I won't go into detail of Aidyn's birth story, but it was pretty traumatic. I am so grateful that I was able to be there for my sister during such an emotionally and physically hard time. And Aidyn is T.H.E. cutest little baby, ever. From what I hear, he is a little stinker who likes to cry all the time, but with a face like his you can't really get too upset. Here is a photo from Meg, of his 1 month pictures.

Is he not, literally, the cutest baby? Of course, I love ALL of my nieces and nephews equally- but I think knowing that Aidyn and his mama are such miracles...just makes me love them so much more.

So I flew in late Thursday night, on the 8th. Mom and Dad picked me up from the airport and we went straight to Dave and Shell's to see Mr. Krue. He is at the age where he is so tiny still, but has so much personality and is so smiley. I was happy to see that he was still awake at 11:00 at night to see his Aunt Kellie. I loved holding him (and ask anyone, I HELD him pretty much the whole time!) Then after about an hour there, we headed to the hospital where we hoped the sweet nurses would let us come up and visit Meg and Aidyn. And they did! I was so happy to see Meg awake and smiling - she looked nothing like the way she sounded over the phone... and that made me very happy because I was so worried. So we stayed there for about an hour or more probably and then headed home where I would I try to fall asleep without my dear Andy next to me. It was hard, and it didn't help that my parents keep the house at 62 degrees! It was freezing. But mom gave me the heating pad and a little space heater so that I could try and stay warm. The next day I went to the hospital with Rich to see Meg, Josh and Aidyn again. I spent a few hours there and it was so fun to be there and catch up with them. Here's a picture of cute Richard holding Aidyn.

So after that, the girls and I (and the husbands, minus 1) all headed up to Park City to Spencer's family's cabin where we stayed up the whole night talking. I loved it. We all had so much to talk about and share that we literally had to sit in a circle and start "Okay, Jan's turn... Now Whit's turn... etc, etc". It was kind of funny, but it had been a really long time since we'd all been together and had TONS of time to talk. The last time was at Jan's wedding and like we really had time to sit around and talk for hours, ya right.

So here are just some more pictures of the night:

Lindsey being a mom...still kind of weird to see, but at the same time, so natural!

Girlies doing dishes:

Sweet, adorable little Macee:

And there is a story behind this one:
This is a picture of Ben missing Andy and trying to fill the void -

And this is him filling the void -

This is a picture of Ben re-enacting his little fall down the steep stairs of death:

And a few snapshots because they are so fun!

And here are the couples from the weekend:

I had so much fun hanging out with my girls. I feel so lucky everyday to have such good friends as them, and I know, no matter what anyone else says or thinks, we will be BEST FRIENDS for the rest of our lives. And we will always work hard at seeing each other and keeping in contact, even when we live in different states. And one day, when we are older, I hope that we can live out the dream that we once had of living on the same street and raising our families. That thought always makes me so happy. :) I love you girlies!


  1. Kell....You finally updated your blog. I think your life will always be busy no matter what is happening. I feel the same way most of the time. I love all your cute pictures of your family and the new babies! Did you get your mom and dad to cry? haha. Cute ideas for your presents though.

  2. I loved those gift ideas! I completely forgot to even ask what you were getting them! How in the world did you make the heart with the words going in different directions? So cool! I just love the whole post! You make me laugh. I miss my girls when reading about how fun the cabin was.

  3. Thanks girlies! The website where I did the hearts is called It is the best. You have to play with it for a little while to completely understand it, but it's really fun! And it's free (for now, anyway). And yes, my parents did cry... a lot! And so did I!
