Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{Famous} Kellie

My friend Michele text me today and said "Every time I watch Bernadette on Big Bang Theory, I feel like I'm watching you". I didn't really believe her because I just don't feel like I have one of those faces that is a "look-alike" face. But guess what? I have a FAMOUS look-alike! Therefore, I am famous. 
Just imagine me with blonde hair...I really see it in the eyes. Crazy!


  1. Wow! Kellie you are famous! Her face does look a lot like your. Now you just need to dye your hair blonde. She looks really cute with blonde so why wouldn't you?

  2. Ya, I don't know. I was blonde-ish for a little while - but maybe I should think about going all the way blonde. Nah...too much upkeep! :)That's weird though, huh?

  3. I think Brian said this once too when we were watching this is one of our favorites. Also Congrats on the great job running! You are an inspiration.

  4. Have to admit, I've thought the same thing!
