Friday, February 24, 2012


So I'm a little behind on pictures for this blog of mine. So I'll just condense a bunch of events into one post, ok? Okay.
Here are a few snapshots from my birthday when Mom and Dad came to visit.
This is me and Daddy on Saturday morning...please disregard the sleepiness look
 Mom and Dad wanted to check out our offices. This is Andy's (well, not really anymore since today is his last day)
This is a weird close-up of me at Andy's office... 
 We took Mom and Dad to Alki Beach in West Seattle. This is where I would love to live when we buy a house one day. It's beautiful over there and there is such a great view of the Seattle skyline.
   A little bit of artsy-photography of the pier and the city. 
 This place is called "The Harbor Steps". It's a ton of steps that head down to the water. It's really pretty. Look at my cute parents - Dad in shorts and Mom all bundled up.
 This made me laugh. Both Mom and I saw the boys walk through this "gate" and we both stopped to snap a picture. 
 On Sunday, Dad made a delicious dinner with the scraps of food that I had in the house. It was AMAZING! 
 Again...please disregard the sleepy, ponytail look...
Okay, and now we are going to pretend for a little bit. I was dumb and didn't take any pictures on Valentine's Day. So we are going to pretend that this is what my dinner looked like...

But in all was not-so-good-steak, delicious caeser salad (that's easy to make!) and some glazed carrots (those were pretty tasty, too)
  These flowers are real though! Andy always does such a good job when picking out flowers for me.
 And here is a fun little photo-shoot of Andy opening and signing his offer letter from Waggener Edstrom. We were so excited - we both couldn't keep from smiling!



Well I think that's all for now... Hope you enjoyed the Picture Show.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Andy's hair is getting so long! I didn't even know because you never post pictures. I love this post though. Good way to catch up on everything. Next time we come and visit we should go and see West Seattle because it looks so pretty. That's where I would want to live. I think the place you are living right now is also really nice, mostly because the reaction I get when I tell people that is where you live they always say something like that is a really nice part of Seattle and really expensive! haha. Congrats again on the new job!
