Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Happy Day!!

Well, today technically isn't the Happy Day, but Thursday was. Because I finally got a job!!! Yay!! I'll be working for a company called Mechatronics doing the customer service side of government sales. I think it's a lot like what I did at Farm Bureau, but working with a different product. The pay is amazing and get this, I even have benefits!! I would've never thought. Ha! So I'm way excited. Andy and I went out to celebrate on Thursday with his parents and then last night with CJ. Spending money isn't such a hard decision to make now that we actually have some coming in. I can finally buy my shaving cream and not feel guilty! Ha ha!

Andy's still doing a lot of networking and sending his resume to a bunch of Public Relation firms. He's heard back from several people saying that they're not hiring, but his resume looks good and they'll keep their eyes and ears open for him. He'll get something soon, I just know it! He's so amazing and I am so grateful that he's my husband and that he has helped me have the confidence that I need to get a good job. He's just the very best and I love him so much! We feel so lucky to be here in Seattle and we feel very blessed. Things are just coming right along. ;)


  1. K I'm crying... Sea Breeze is such a sweet song and perfect for you guys and the guys voice totally reminds me of Andy!! I miss his singing at Bear Lake! These pictures of you guys are SO CUTE. I can't wait for you to a have family full of children but just looking at you two, that is enough right now and you're a perfect, cute little family! Will we see you at Christmas? I can't wait to see you! I love your blog, keep it updated so we can see you and what's going on often. Love you Kell~! Love, Jude

  2. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you.

  3. I can't believe you moved to Seattle!! thats awesome!! are you loving it?

  4. Ha ha! I know, sometimes I can't believe we moved here either. With all of the complaining I did about Andy wanting to move here... I just laugh about it sometimes. We are loving it though, it's been so nice to get to know my in-laws better.
