Sunday, November 22, 2009

My first week

Well, I just finished my first week at the new job! I think that I will really like it once all of my training is done and over with. Right now, I guess I'm doing all of the work that nobody likes to do. Ha ha! Lucky me. So at times it is a little bit boring, but once I do something that I will actually do on a day to day basis, I really like it. So basically I am called a Sales Support for the salesman who sells the ball bearings to clients. I do his paperwork and quotes, etc. So it really is similar to what I was doing at Farm Bureau. The office is really nice and most of the other Sales Support people are girls about my age. And that makes me very happy so that I can actually have someone to talk to. ;) On my first day, which was Wednesday, a bunch of the girls took me out to lunch so I was able to get to know them a little bit better. It seems like a very tight-knit working environment and I'm very excited to be a part of it.

Andy and I also had a fun weekend. On Friday, Utah States football game against Boise was on ESPN so we put on our USU jersey's and cheered them on from the couch. They ended up losing, but the first quarter was fun to watch. Then on Saturday we went to the temple with the parents, we had a really nice time. The Seattle Temple is very beautiful, kind of confusing with all of the different floors you have to go to. Good thing I wasn't alone!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Happy Day!!

Well, today technically isn't the Happy Day, but Thursday was. Because I finally got a job!!! Yay!! I'll be working for a company called Mechatronics doing the customer service side of government sales. I think it's a lot like what I did at Farm Bureau, but working with a different product. The pay is amazing and get this, I even have benefits!! I would've never thought. Ha! So I'm way excited. Andy and I went out to celebrate on Thursday with his parents and then last night with CJ. Spending money isn't such a hard decision to make now that we actually have some coming in. I can finally buy my shaving cream and not feel guilty! Ha ha!

Andy's still doing a lot of networking and sending his resume to a bunch of Public Relation firms. He's heard back from several people saying that they're not hiring, but his resume looks good and they'll keep their eyes and ears open for him. He'll get something soon, I just know it! He's so amazing and I am so grateful that he's my husband and that he has helped me have the confidence that I need to get a good job. He's just the very best and I love him so much! We feel so lucky to be here in Seattle and we feel very blessed. Things are just coming right along. ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Well I know it's pretty far past Halloween, but I just barely figured out how to upload photos onto my in-laws computer...well I should say Andy figured it out.

Anyway, so Mom decided that since Andy and I are away from home we now get her silly little packages. She sent this to us, warning me that we'd be laughing when we opened it. I told her I'd take pictures and show how much fun we had seeing what's inside. And she was right, we laughed A LOT! So here's a few pictures to show how thoughtful my mama is to think of us during the Holidays. Thanks Mama!! ;)

As a side note, we did have a great Halloween. I put on my kitty ears and black tail and Andy, well he's just Andy... We went over to his brother's house and we decorated cookies and ate some good food. There was also a ward Halloween party we went to after and of course that was fun..... Then the rest of the night was spent eating pizza and handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. So overall, it was a good night.