Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Callings

Well now that I feel I actually have something interesting going on in our lives, I figure I should share. Andy and I both accepted new callings in our ward. Andy got his a few weeks before me. He is the Deacons Quorum Advisor! I was so excited for him, because when we got called in he for sure thought we were going to get Primary again (which is an amazing calling, but you can get a little burnt-out). So he has enjoyed it so far and it sounds like they have a couple of fun activities coming up. One of them will be an overnight camp-out where they shoot old school guns. Why is it that Young Men always do the fun activities like that? We never did anything like that when I was in Young Anyway, so I was so excited for him and totally thought that I would be put in the Primary by myself, but no such luck. :) I was called last week as the Young Womens Secretary, which I hear is super easy and fun! I am so excited! There are only about 10 girls in our ward, which will be something to get used to since I came from a ward with over 25 girls. It'll be nice because then I can get to know each of them more personally.
I definitely feel very humble with this new calling. I feel like I have a lot of experiences that will help me help these young women, but I also feel so inadequate to be the one teaching them (I'll only teach once a quarter, but still...). I've never taught anyone before, so I'm excited for the challenge. On Sunday we had a lesson about the consequences, good and bad, that come from the choices we make every day. I totally remember having a lesson like that when I was in YW and I just got to thinking that back then I would answer the questions how the teachers would want me to, but I didn't really follow the teachings. I just don't think that I can stress enough to the YW that those lessons are SO important! That they really need to listen to them and remember them. Don't just give the answers the teachers want to hear, but to really know and live it! Because every decision that you make as a teenager will affect the rest of your life, no matter how big or small. I wish that I would have listened to my teachers and really lived what was taught...because life would have been a lot easier had I done that. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences with the girls and help them so that they can make better decisions than I did and to be completely happy and not have to feel the long-lasting feeling of guilt. No one should have to feel that way; all you need to do is follow our Savior's example. He set the perfect example, and if we follow it 100%, we will be eternally HAPPY!
So anyway, I'm super grateful for my new calling and excited that Andy and I can still be somewhat together in our callings. Oh and p.s., we both have to speak in church on Sunday, so please pray for me!!! I have to speak for a whole 15 minutes. I really don't think I've ever done that before... Andy will be perfectly fine, but please pray for me that I won't get up there and bawl and fumble over my words and that I can say all that I want and need to say. Thank you! :)